Tuesday, September 21, 2010

what is the difference between usb cable 1 & 2 ? Are they compatible, interchangeable ?

what is the difference between usb cable 1 & 2 ? Are they compatible, interchangeable ?

USB 2.0's verbs rate is a lot faster compared to 1.0's. You verbs about 10 times faster next to 2.0 than 1.0. I used to transfer CD's to my jumpdrive and it would purloin me 15 minutes to transfer 700 megabytes of information on 1.0 when compared to 2.0 it only take like nearly a minute. And yes they are compatible with respectively other.
Yes they are. USB cables 2 work ALOT faster than 1. USB 1.0 be made before USB 2.0. If you be to transfer music to your MP3 player or even pictures to your computer from you camera, USB 1.0 will move enormously slow. USB 2.0 has a faster verbs rate.

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